Allentown, Pennsylvania

Downtown Allentown

Allentown is a city located in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Pictured is a view of Allentown centre courtesy of Thomas Grim. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Private Residence

Norman and Scott recount the case of a haunting that allegedly occurred at a restored 18th century Farmhouse situated on the outskirts of Allentown.

The phenomena comprised of the apparitions of a glowing figure, a man "with a handlebar moustache and red eyes" and a little girl; strange sounds, piano music, children's voices, footsteps and horses hooves galloping around the outside of the property; objects being shaken; and on one ocassion the inability of the witness to move.

The family were mindful enough to keep a diary of the events.

To read the full account, we recommend that you read Haunted America (below).


For further information, please read Haunted America by Michael Norman and Beth Scott.